Our world has changed dramatically in the last week. We went from life as usual to events, activities, schools, restaurants all closing. The COVID-19 virus has slown everything down like nothing we have ever seen. As I have prayed and processed this… at first I began to get frustrated.
*Church events being cancelled
*Not having church at our facility for a few weeks possibly a few months.
*Will our church make it financially if we go without a worship service for an extended length of time?
*It’s my son’s senior Year in high school – is this really fair to him?
*What would 4 weeks of my kids being home do to my wife?
But on Saturday as I was doing some things outside I realized that although this is and will be a tough time in our nation – this is also a great opportunity… that we have to think outside the box on how we can PIVOT.
We are being forced to DISCONNECT from people, sports, and events. But what if we looked at it as a way to RECONNECT in the most important areas of our life. What if in the midst of this series on ELIMINATING HURRY FROM OUR LIFE… we look at this time as an opportunity to do just that. Rather than filling our time with “things”, we decide to RECONNECT in the deepest areas of our life.
What if we looked at this as a moment in time as a KAIROS opportunity.
What if we chose to RECONNECT or CONNECT DEEPER with our SPOUSES? What could that look like? Laughing together… going for walks together… dreaming together…. What if we intentional decided to take this moment to LOVE OUR WIVES OR HUSBANDS deeper.
RECONNECT TO OUR FAMILIES. What if instead of taking the next 4 weeks and counting down til they go back to school. We look at this moment and we choose to go deeper with them. What if we discipled them during these 4 weeks? What if we did some projects together? We created together? We played together? What if we intentional decided to RECONNECT.
RECONNECT W/ OUR NEIGHBORS – I know we are needing to “social distance” but to prayerfully and carefully figure out ways to love your neighbors during this time. Offer to get stuff at the store for them when you go out. Check in on them to see how they are doing. Maybe drop off a dessert or something else to them. Or even deeper, and if you feel comfortable – do a watch party for our online worship service this week… or just ask Jesus what ideas he has for you to reconnect with our neighbors.
RECONNECT WITH JESUS – This is what stirs my heart. What if we took this time of slowing down and we decided to invest it – in going deeper in our relationship with Jesus. We spend more time studying and getting to know Him. We spend time outside worshiping him. We put music on to calm our souls.
RECONNECT WITH OUR CHURCH – although we will be doing almost everything remotely or online – we want to offer you opportunities to stay connected. We want to pray for each other. We want to encourage the lonely. We want to be creative in some of our worship times.
What if you CHOSE TO NOT DISCONNECT right now but RECONNECT to the most important things in your life? Everything is cancelled except some of the most important things in your life.
Sunday we sat down with some of our leadership and we began creatively brainstorming how to redeem this time. We have a few things we are working on, while at the same time listening to all of you for some of your #crazyideas, while at the same time listening to the Holy Spirit.
This Sunday we will be completely ONLINE for worship at 9 am. We will be doing it on our YOUTUBE CHANNEL and FACEBOOK live.
We are trying to add – a family friendly version at 10:30 am – with some active worship, fun games, in-depth teaching and hopefully a few more surprises. So we will be having two unique worship times this week.
We are also looking at providing some ONLINE opportunities for you to RECONNECT. We want to invest in kids and youth during this time in discipleship. So keep your eyes open to the opportunities.
I want to encourage you to take this POLL so that we can see where we put our time… But I can tell you although I don’t know how long we will be asked to “social Distance” or what new regulations are coming down the road, I am excited about releasing our people to RECONNECT in many different ways.
This is an incredible opportunity for Higher Hope and the church all over the world. I don’t want to waste it in fear… I want to create a place where PEOPLE ARE GOING DEEP and experiencing church like they didn’t before.
I am praying for our church – and you.
In this season, of isolation – don’t stay there. Let us know how we can be praying or ideas you have or a way we can serve you.
Thank you Paster Mike for continuing to encourage others to stay connected! Serving the Lord in multiple ways✝️
Thank you Pastor Mike and everyone involved for keeping us informed and connected during this time.
Thank you so much for thinking outside the box. 🙂
Thanks for your words of encouragement and suggestions and definitely sharing this idea with others!